Leg strength is the most important of all of these factors because of their impact on so many activities. Things like how long we can walk, stand and the types of terrain we are able to navigate all depend on the strength of our legs. In fact, leg strength impacts other important systems in the body. If we can't stand or walk for a mentionable amount of time, how are we able to walk on a treadmill or do any type of meaningful cardiovascular exercise?
There was a recent study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine regarding life longevity and the relationship to standing on one leg. The study found that "middle-aged people who can't stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds appear to be at higher risk of dying within a decade. (*3)" I have always used one's ability to stand on one leg as an indicator of leg strength. It is not the only evaluation of balance and strength that I use in my assessments. If you can stand up from a dinner table chair without using your arms or feeling the need to rock yourself, using the momentum the rocking creates, I would say your leg strength, in most cases, would be strong enough to navigate stairs easily.
Did you know that every 11 seconds, an older person is receiving treatment for a fall in the emergency room (*1). In addition, the isolation due to the pandemic increases the likelihood of a fall-related injury that results in a Senior being left in a position in which they fell for an extended period of time (*2).
It is important to consider all these factors I mentioned in the first paragraph as we age. It can impact where we live, where we vacation and what social activities we will enjoy as we age.
*1: https://medalerthelp.org/blog/falls-in-the-elderly-statistics/
*2: https://saintsimeons.org/blog/the-latest-assisted-living-facts-and-statistics/
*3: This balancing exercise can determine how long you will live | Mint (livemint.com)
*4: https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-018-0958-1
*5: https://www.cdc.gov/falls/facts.html
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