Outside of poor technique required for certain movements such as squats and many others, there is NO WRONG WAY to work out!

First, find your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR):
(your age) - 220 = X
Second, take the value of "X" and multiply it by 76%-85%:
X(.76) = Y AND X(.85) = Z
Your Target Heart Range will be between Y and Z.... Now, what do you do with these numbers?
Let's say you live near a beach or you just enjoy walking every afternoon. You can get more "pennies on the dollar" with your walk by starting out with your normal pace, after 2-3 minutes speed up your walk to the point where it is going to be a bit challenging to keep this new, brisk pace for the next 60-90 seconds. After 60-90 seconds, slow back down to your normal pace for another 2-3 minutes. During the "normal pace" time, check your pulse by counting the number of beats that is in 15 seconds:
X (15) = your heart rate (HR)
The goal is to push your heartrate into your THR during those 60-90 seconds, then allow yourself 2-3 minutes to recover and catch your breath.
Using this formula, I was able to help a client LOSE MORE THAN 100 lbs. in 10 months!!!!! Her picture and story will be posted in the testimonial section very very soon.
I have given you guys a lot of information and to avoid OVERLOAD, I want you to work on that for the week and for my next blog, I will explain why your efforts may be in vain without using this method which is also called, INTERVAL TRAINING!
Thank you and Don't be lazy today, Lift something and give a hug!
Email with any comments or questions.